

MARINDUQUE ITINERARY: 31 Best Things to Do in Marinduque (Spelunking, Climbing, Beach Bumming and Trekking | Day 4 of 5)

Top Things to do in Marinduque travel guide blogs

Looking for top things to do in Marinduque, tourist spots and attractions? I hope this MARINDUQUE TRAVEL GUIDE BLOG help you in planning an amazing Marinduque Itinerary.

It's the 4th day of our 5-day Marinduque Adventure. Despite being "dead tired" from all the activities that we had in the past days (You can read them here: Day 1, Day 2 and Day 3), we still managed to wake up early for all the activities scheduled for that day. We were so excited, the organizers told us that we will get wet and dirty today. Okay! Let's get it on! Hahaha!

Top Best Things to Do in Marinduque

Rich in natural wonders, history and adventurous activities, there are many things to do in Marinduque. You can find many places and do many things in Marinduque. For first-timers, I listed here some of the most popular tourist spots and attractions and things to do in Marinduque.

Top Things to do in Marinduque

21. Spelunking at Bagumbongan Cave

We traveled for more than 1 hour from our headquarters in Gasan to the town of Sta. Cruz for our 1st activity - spelunking at Bagumbongan Cave (aka San Isidro Cave). Located in the village of San Isidro, Bagumbungan Cave and Subterranean River was discovered by a team led by the provincial tourism officers of Sta. Cruz, Marinduque in 2009.

Top Things to do in Marinduque

Our exploration started with a short lecture from our guides on what to expect, what to-do and what not to-do inside the cave. Our guides told us that you have the option of just go inside until you reach the waterfalls and go back. But what we will be doing is called "through-and-through", we will enter in one opening and exit on another one.

Top Things to do in Marinduque

After that short lecture, we were off for a great adventure.

Top Things to do in Marinduque
Short prayer before we entered the cave

Top Things to do in Marinduque
Start of descent to the cave

Top Things to do in Marinduque
Waiting for the team

Top Things to do in Marinduque
Waist deep river inside the cave

Marinduque Travel Guide Tourist Spots
Fun, fun, fun!

Marinduque Travel Guide Tourist Spots
Irone, enjoying his time

We're already wet and dirty... Hahaha!

The cave system is preserved. I have to commend the community together with the local government for their efforts in ensuring the cave's conservation and protection. I am so delighted to see towering stalactites and stalagmites, huge flow stones, some bats, live creatures and glittering geological formations. Truly an amazing works of nature!

Glittering rock formation

Marinduque Travel Guide Tourist Spots

Marinduque Travel Guide Tourist Spots
Having a fun time!

Marinduque Travel Guide Tourist Spots
Jane, trying to get in...

I bumped my head several times, be sure to always wear the helmet.


Rest muna with Irone and Jeof

Isn't lovely?

Two thumbs up!

Group picture at a huge flow stone

Waterfalls! Ang lamig ng tubig!

Spelunking is indeed a test of one's endurance, strength and flexibility. It took us 4 hours to finish the cave! Not bad, according to our guide! Truly, it's an experience you shouldn't miss when visiting Marinduque!

Marinduque Travel Guide Tourist Spots
Lester and Kent

Marinduque Travel Guide Tourist Spots

Marinduque Travel Guide Tourist Spots
Nice noh?

The guides will tell you which ones should not be touched. Please obey. Okay?



Climbing the slippery stones

Getting through...

Going down with a rope and the guide's leg... :)

Swinging like Tarzan! Hahaha!

Exiting the cave

We were all wet and muddied when we came out. Hahaha! But definitely happy and fulfilled as we have conquered Bagumbongan Cave. Just a few reminders: be sure to bring extra clothes, water-proof camera and get ready to be wet and muddied. I strongly suggest that you wear proper footwear (preferably shoes) as it is slippery inside. Always be careful.

Tall coconut trees outside the cave

We were so tired, so we rested for about an hour. Halo-halo and fresh buko replenished our strength.

Lester and Gil enjoying their Halo-halo

Fresh Buko by Dan and Ken

Enjoying the fresh buko...

We love the fresh coconut...

Big thanks to our guides who (literally) helped us in every step of the way. Salamat po!

Tarug Cave and Forest Park

22. Spelunking at Tarug Cave

At about lunch time, we're off to our next destination - Tarug Cave in the town of Mogpog, about an hour away from San Isidro Cave.

With Jane before climbing the cave

The start of the trek to the cave is quite challenging. You have to ascend through a 70-degree trail.

Sandi climbing to the cave

Irone, May and Jeof... Pagod na?

Be careful guys!

Navigating with the help of the vines

Upon reaching the mouth of the cave, we went first to the viewing deck on the right side. We went through a small opening and ended at a viewing deck. Stunning view of lush surroundings greeted us. We took a while to rest and stare at the lovely view.

Hello from the viewing deck

What a view!

Rest muna...

Pagod na Sandi?

With Tiger... Hahaha!

Then we went to the cave.

To the cave

At the Cave's entrance

Here, you have to cross a plank of wood and a bamboo ladder to get to the cave. Just be very careful as one mistake could lead to accident.

The ladder and the wooden bridge

It was quite disappointing to see a "dead" cave. It wasn't taken cared of. It had a lot of vandalism and its dirty with all the trash brought by some visitors.

Inside the cave...

Too bad, it was not preserved... :(

After a few minutes, we just went out and back to mouth of the cave. Smile na lang kahit disappointed...

Exiting the cave

23. Climbing Tarug Peak

Then one of the guides asked us if we want to go to the peak. We said yes. He guided us to the trail that leads to the peak. I don't have photos while we were climbing the peak. It was too hard to take photos as I am using both hands to climb the almost vertical trail.

May at the peak

To me, it was a "technical climb" as you really have to be very cautious and sure on every step you make. We have to climb high stone cliffs and sharp rock formations. We used the naturally-formed handles and footholds to navigate and to get to the peak. This is definitely one of the hardest climbs I've ever done. I keep on asking my friends, "Rock climbing ba 'to?" Hahaha!

Enjoying the awesome view at the peak

But all the hardships were wiped off when we reached the peak. The view is stunningly beautiful. I was speechless as I see a 360-degrees view of mountains and forests teeming with lush vegetation. And of course the view of the sea from the horizon is equally breathtaking.

We made it!

The view at Tarug's Peak

We didn't stay too long at the peak as the space is too small. I think it could only accommodate 3 persons at a time. So after about 10 minutes, we started to descend.

Going down is even harder...

If climbing is a challenge, going down is even harder. Thanks to our guide for helping us get through.

24. Beach Bumming in Poctoy Beach

We then traveled to the town of Torrijos where Poctoy Beach is located. Torrijos is a town next to Sta.Cruz but it takes about an hour to reach the town.

Poctoy Beach

Since it's a holy week, everyone seems to be at the beach. There were a lot of people enjoying the heat of the sun and cool breeze of the air. What a treat to beat the summer heat!

It's a holiday!

We walked along the shore and move further until we reached the huge rock formations at the leftmost side of the beach. It's better here. Away from the public area and there's lesser people.

The more secluded part of Poctoy Beach

Now it's time for us to freshen up! Ahahaha!

Happy and refreshed!

Syempre, mawawala ba ang jump shots sa beach? Ahahaha!


At around 4:00 PM, we left the beach.

25. Battle of Pulang Lupa Historical Park

We went to the Battle of Pulang Lupa Historical Park, also in the town of Torrijos. The park was built to commemorate the famous battle won by the Marinduqueños over American forces during the "Philippine-American War".

The marker installed at the hi-way

Since its already getting late and it would take us about 1-2 hours trek from the hi-way to reach the site, we just decided not to push thru. We went back to our jeepney and drive back home.

Going back to the hi-way

This is the most adventure-filled day of this entire Marinduque Adventure! Definitely one of my favorites!

There are really a lot of things you can do and experience in Marinduque. I highly suggest that you visit these tourist spots and attractions and make your Marinduque Adventure special and a memorable one.

Planning a trip to Marinduque? You may read my First-timer's Travel Guide to Marinduque with DIY Itinerary.


CONTINUE READING: Part 5 - Festival, Putungan, Boodle Fight and Going Home

Happened on March 30, 2013, this is DAY 4 of my "5-day trip to Marinduque" courtesy of Arcobaleno Trailoutours.

DAY 1: Islands and Beaches
DAY 2: Island Hopping, Beaches, Waterfalls, Caves and Hot Springs
DAY 3: Hiking, Festival, Swimming, Waterfalls and More!
DAY 4: Spelunking, Climbing, Beach Bumming and Trekking
DAY 5: Festival, Putungan, Boodle Fight and Going Home

JOIN Arcobaleno Trailoutours' trips! Visit for the schedule of their upcoming trips! Like them on Facebook at or follow them on twitter @ArcobalenoTrail for updates and promos!

[ Click here to search for hotels and resorts in Marinduque ]

Please watch my latest Marinduque video:

Some photos used on this post were grabbed from Gil, Irone and Sandi.


  1. haven't done this for a long long time.. .great :)

  2. Oi Poctoy :) lapit lang namin dito :) 2004 ata nung inakyat namin ang Tarug -- Thanks for posting this Mervs :)

  3. Nako naalala ko sa spelunking na yan yung first time experience ko sa Sagada. Ingat lang talaga kelangan dyan kasi buwis-buhay yang activity na yan pero worth it.. Hehe...

  4. papasukin ko din yang kweba na yan.. susubukan kong mag roro soon papuntang marinduque.. keep up Mervs!

  5. You'll miss half of your breath if you will not be able to conquer this cave!


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