

YEAR-END SPECIAL: 8 Travel Resolutions You Should Consider this New Year

New Year's resolutions usually represent changes that we want to make in the coming year. To some, it's losing weight, quitting a bad habit, trying out a new sport, saving money, or even shifting to a new career. For travelers like me or for someone who just love to travel, making a list of travel resolutions are to take steps that will lead to an adventurous and memorable trips. Isn't exciting? Here's a list of what we could work for this new year.

1. Pack Smarter. Don't Overpack

This is one of the most common problems travelers encounter. You bring too much stuff in your travel and end up not using all of them. Guilty? Hahaha! Plan your trips, the activities you'll do, the clothes you'll wear and bring only the things you'll need. It's hard to do at first, but as you go along with your travels, you'll be able to master it.

8 Travel Resolutions You Should Consider this New Year
Palompon, Leyte

2. Stop Hoarding Plane Tickets

When there are airline ticket seat sales, book only the flights you really need. Think about it first before booking so you won't end up wasting money on airfare you won't be able to fly. Don't book as if there's no tomorrow. :)

SEE ALSO: 10 Tried and Tested Tips on How to Book Cheap Airline Tickets

8 Travel Resolutions You Should Consider this New Year
Calatagan, Batangas

3. Explore and Discover Something New at Home

Travel within your own hometown. Most of the time, we neglect things that are near to us. Explore your hometown, see the nearest beach, the old church, or visit the museum. You might learn or discover something new about your place which you can recommend for a visit to your friends and fellow travelers.

4. Maximize your Vacation Leaves

A regular employee gets around 12-15 vacation leaves in a year. Use it wisely by planning a trip. Don't say that you are "vacation deprived" and because of work you cannot travel. That is why it is called vacation leave, use it for relaxation and a way to re-charge and to get away from the stress of your daily routine at work.

8 Travel Resolutions You Should Consider this New Year
Anda, Pangasinan

5. Travel and Disconnect from your Social Media Accounts

Well, I guess this is hard to do. But try to go to a place, enjoy and have a feeling of being "disconnected." You'll get to appreciate the place even better if you're not too busy with your Facebook, Twitter or Instagram accounts. After all, you took a vacation to unwind and enjoy. Always remind yourself of the purpose of your vacation in the first place.

6. Get Out of your Comfort Zone

This is a great way to accomplish travel and personal goals simultaneously. Whether it's a quirky adventure, eating exotic food, or traveling solo in an unfamiliar place, if you decide to get out of your comfort zone, anything is possible. Don't let other people's fears keep you from going. Just go!

7. Get Off the Beaten Path

Explore the unexplored. Ask the locals about destinations that only a few have visited. This way, you'll get to see and learn something new and unusual.

8 Travel Resolutions You Should Consider this New Year
Impasug-ong, Bukidnon

8. Work Hard, Travel Harder

Don't deprive yourself of traveling. If you've been dreaming to go to Batanes, Boracay or Palawan, save for it! Start a travel-specific savings account where you put a certain amount of your earnings that you could use to get to your dream destination. Over time, that savings will bring you to that vacation you've been longing for. Believe me, it will be such a rewarding experience to visit your dream destination because you worked hard for it.

8 Travel Resolutions You Should Consider this New Year
Jolo, Sulu

These travel resolutions are not just for me but for everyone. So, go and check out some of my travel experiences and start planning your next ultimate adventure in your dream destination!

Happy New Year Adventuristas!

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  1. I always visit your blogsite whenever i have trips. Thank you for the bits of information you share here...such a great help! Just like you I would like to travel the whole of the Philippines too. --margarette--

  2. I like #6 and #8. I will do that! :) thank you!

  3. #5 is the best one :D Happy New Year Mervz!

  4. Very nice article and great tips, Sir! We definitely agree on the "work hard, travel harder" tip. :) Happy New Year!


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