

10 Fun and Crazy Things To Do when Stuck in Metro Manila’s Horrible Traffic

10 Fun and Crazy Things To Do when Stuck in Metro Manila’s Horrible Traffic

Horrible is an understatement when you describe how bad the traffic is in Metro Manila. Just imagine how it is to endure the bad traffic everyday! That is why, as much as possible, I don’t like going to the big city, especially during rush hours.

But if you can't really avoid being stuck in traffic and having it part of your daily life, here are 10 Fun and Crazy Things To Do when Stuck in Metro Manila’s Horrible Traffic.

Don’t take it too seriously! Just for fun! Hahaha!

1. Prepare your dinner

Driving home for dinner and you are assigned to cook? Make it easier by bringing your ingredients in your car before leaving your house. You can chop carrots, peel potatoes and mince garlic while hitting the red light. Now, you will have less time to prepare it at home! Tip: don’t chop onions, it will make you cry and might give poor eyesight while driving.

2. Turn on your radio and set it into the highest volume

I know there are times that you dreamt of having your own concert, or your own platinum album. Well, turn your car into your own recording studio. Sing everything out of your lungs. No one cares, no one can hear – only you. Tip: this is happier when you are with someone. Head bang together, sing out loud together. It might sound awkward but it is going to be fun, trust me.

3. Talk to yourself

Why waste your money in joining workshops if you can do it alone – inside your car. Traffic can be really boring, but practicing your acting skills might lessen your burden. Tip: don’t you ever dare do this when someone is with you inside the car. They might think you are crazy and you don’t want that to happen right?

4. Do your make up

Don’t waste time doing this at home. Instead, you can do it inside your car while stuck in the middle of this blockbuster traffic. Apply your favorite blush on while you wait! Putting lipstick won’t be a problem also since you’re stuck, and you can’t even move an inch. Voila! Time management at its finest. Tip: you might want to bring your curlers too. And because you are being stuck in a heavy traffic, your curls will be done just on time.

5. Interview your seatmate

This is applicable when you are riding on a public vehicle. This might sound creepy, but who knows? There is a chance that it could be your soulmate sitting next to you! Be friendly, approach him/her properly. You don’t want to get slapped right. Tip: don’t ask too much, they might call the police. You’re in trouble dude.

6. Offer a paid service

When taking a public vehicle, you can earn while stuck in the middle of the traffic. How? Offer any paid services. Like manicure and pedicure, massage, or do their make up! You can also offer those students that you will finish their assignments or tutor them for their quiz later in return of your desired amount. Earning while you’re bored, sounds awesome! Tip: make sure you know what you are doing. I bet you don’t want to have upset customers.

7. Read a book

Yes, read a book. And this is the best thing you can do. Feed your knowledge and don’t stress yourself too much waiting for the green light. Tip: bring as many as you can. Traffic here in the Philippines is so frustrating that you can even finish a whole book while waiting.

8. Sing, dance and act in front of the passengers

This is your chance to shine dude! Go ahead, show them what you’ve got! Don’t stop until someone recorded what you are doing, and provoke them to post it on Facebook. Repeat doing this until your video isn’t viral. Tip: if you can’t sing, dance or act, step up your performance by over reacting it. Get their attention! That’s the trend, if you don’t have the talent, then have the guts and make yourself look funny.

9. Bring lots of food and be an entrepreneur!

Bring some chips, soda and sweets! Give yourself a break from the traffic and just eat! Eating might boost your patience and can lessen your stress too. Tip: Traffic in the Philippines is too normal and mainstream, it is obviously a routine. If you eat too much everyday, you might get fat in few months if you will do this all the time. But if you want to earn extra, bring a lot of food and sell it inside the bus! Bring out the entrepreneur in you! Hahaha!

And our all time favorite...

10. Take selfies

Take a selfie and then upload it online. Let your followers know every single detail. Tip: Don’t forget your hashtags! #TrafficInPh #Alone #ListeningToPusongBato #ImBored #OOTDShotInTheCar #Wearing #Lacoste #Primadonna #Mac #ShotByIphone8s #stuck #in #the #traffic #while #the #rain #is #pouring #and #it #makes #me #sad #foreveralone #huhu

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