

Best Way To Sleep On Planes And Avoid Jet Lag

Best Way To Sleep On Planes And Avoid Jet Lag

Sleeping on planes isn’t the funnest thing in the world. First, you’re surrounded by complete strangers. Second of all, you’re up thousands of feet in the air, flying around in the sky like some sort of weird creature who does that (they’re called birds, right?).

Third, it can be noisy as heck thanks to random kids or babies that are crying and all the kids that are kicking your seat out of pure boredom.

And when you factor in the whole jet lag thing, it gets worse. Jet lag is serious condition that prevents you from getting an adequate amount of rest after you land at your destination, whether that be at home or your vacation spot.

The symptoms of jet lag tend to last only a matter of days, but could stretch out far longer depending on the duration of you travels and other factors stem from your individual experiences on the flight itself. Symptoms of jet lag include most fatigue, loss of appetite, insomnia, nausea, and migraines. No thanks!

Face it: jet lag is annoying, it’s inconvenient, and gosh darn it, we can’t take it anymore. That’s why we’ve come up with a list of helpful tips on how to sleep on planes during the flight and reduce the unwanted effects of jet lag while you do it. Grab your best travel pillow tips on the Sleep Advisor, folks! It’s time to board the next flight to the magical land of slumber. Or...something.

Bring your rest kit

We told you to bring your best travel pillow now, did we not? While you’re at it, grab an eye mask, ear plugs, a comfort item from your bed like a teddy bear, for instance. We’re not talking about anything battery operated here.

You may also want to bring a comfortable change of clothes such as activewear or a yoga suit, some moisturizer, and some slippers. Bringing a pair of SleepPhones - headphones that were designed to be easier to sleep with in your ears - is a good idea as well.

Take melatonin

Because it’s a hormone, Melatonin naturally occurs in the body. Thus, it’s already in your system. Taking an extra dose of it through pill (or chocolate) form helps you get to sleep and resets your circadian rhythm in the process. In fact, taking Melatonin on a regular basis when you’re not flying high up in the air is recommended if you’re serious about becoming a sleep enthusiast.

Researchers in the U.K. discovered that melatonin helps soften the effects of jet lag if its taken close to your usual bedtime at your destination, and if you’re coasting through different time zones. Their recommended dose of Melatonin was of .5 and 5 milligrams - but the higher the dose, the quicker you’ll fall asleep quicker and sleep better.

Synchronize your watch

A small piece of advice that helps beat jet lag in the long run is to set your watch to the time zone of the destination you’re heading to while you’re on the plane. This will help you prepare for the change and also give your subconscious a cue that it’s time to start getting sleepy when the hour rolls around.

Board your flight after you’re rested

This may sound easier said than done, especially to those of us who have trouble getting to sleep before a big trip because they’re excited and/or anxious. But…if you actually get a good night’s (or day’s) sleep before your flight, it will be much better for you than if you got on the flight completely tuckered out and ready to crash.

Why is this? Because last minute interruptions to your sleeping habits will complicate your body’s adjustment to new time zones, throwing your circadian rhythm all out of whack.

Stay hydrated

Drinking H2O isn’t just a physical requirement mandated by mother natured; it’s also a way to relax your nervous system and keep you feeling less agitated. Typically speaking, women need close to 91 ounces of water daily, while men require somewhere in the neighborhood of 125 ounces.

In other words, men should drink around 13 cups of water a day while women can thrive with around 9 cups. Boarding your flight hydrated and staying that way while you’re up among the clouds is a good way to stay asleep longer and feel refreshed when you land - if you follow all of the other tips we’ve presented in this article, of course (especially that Melatonin one).

So there you have it - the best ways to fall asleep on airplanes and avoid the evil, tiring clutches of Jet Lag. Remember: always keep an eye on your belongings and be sure to score a window seat so you have a vertical surface to wedge your pillow up against so you can sleep.

Goodnight and safe travels!

This is a contribution from one of our contributing writers.


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