

Preparing For Your First Flight: What To Expect?

Preparing For Your First Flight: What To Expect

If you’ve never flown before, the whole concept can be incredibly daunting. Just looking out of the terminal window at the huge vehicles that are very clearly too heavy to glide through the air, might have you wondering if the whole thing is worth it. While it may feel like the easier option to turn around and head back to your comfort zone, the truth is that flying needn’t be the obstacle that you suspect. With a little preparation and an awareness of what to expect from your first flight, you may find that even enjoy the experience. Traveling can always be a stressful event, and that can be doubly so if you have never flown in the past. So in order to make your first flight as worry-free as possible, here are your top tips and tricks to make your first plane encounter as stress-free as possible.

Getting there

It never feels right, waking up at 4 am and racing to the airport to catch a flight that you could easily have got to by waking up a few hours later. However, there’s a reason that you need to be at the airport before the rush, and it’s simply down to the organization of the airport itself. There is a wide range of things that you have to do before you even step foot on the plane, from checking in, having your luggage checked and stored, and stocking up on your Duty-Free goods. Check your flight times, and listen to the recommendations of your chosen airline, and you won’t go far wrong.

Luggage and paperwork

There are some simple safety factors to take into consideration, and one of those is the importance of packing your own bags. Airport security is as tight as ever to reduce the risks of criminal activity (or even a prank that can get out of control), so you should ensure you pack your bags yourself and keep them close to you until the time comes to store them away. You’re also going to want to check with your airline about the required paperwork, and whatever you do, do not forget your passport. With one in ten travelers admitting that they have forgotten their passports when leaving the house, and over half of holidaymakers confessing that they have no idea when their passport expires, make sure that you don’t ruin your plans with an outdated or forgotten passport.

Plan for delays

No matter how organized you may be, there’s always the chance of problems arising that are simply out of your control. One of the most recurring issues is that of flight delays, and they can have a serious impact on your holiday time. Although there are rules in place that guarantee compensation amounts for delayed passengers, most people aren’t aware of how they can claim. If your flight does end up being delayed or canceled, you can contact FairPlane for help in order to claim the right amount of money. That way, even if you have lost a day of holiday-making, at least you may have gained a little extra spending money that may make up for it.

While there are some issues to tackle when it comes to your first flight, don’t be put off. Flying is safer than driving, and your financial protection is in place from a legal standpoint. As long as you do your basic preparation, you may find that you even enjoy your first flight more than you could possibly have imagined.

This is a contribution from one of our contributing writers.


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