

Top Tips For Saving On The Cost of Airfare

Top Tips For Saving On The Cost of Airfare

Do you want or need to fly somewhere but are alarmed at the high cost of a simple flight ticket?

If so, you’ll want to pay close attention to what you’re about to read, because you’re going to learn some of the most effective tips for reducing the cost if airfare as much as possible.

Here are the top tips for saving on the cost of airfare:

Watch The Changing Prices Like A Hawk

Anyone who’s traveled a lot knows that flight prices don’t stay the same, even from one destination to the other. This is why you will want to keep an extremely close eye on the changing flight prices, and you can even use websites such as Secret Flying or Airfare Watchdog that will update you on the changing prices as well.

Travel During Off-Season

It may not be possible depending on what your plans are, but if it is possible, you should try to travel during ‘off-season.’ Off-season is simply when fewer people are flying, meaning there’s less demand and which in turn means that there’s less demand. Off-season months are usually late spring (such as May and June) and mid to late fall (October and November).

Look For Coupons Online

You can actually save a lot of money (as much as ten to twenty percent) for a flight from any of the biggest airlines just by searching for different coupons, promo codes, and discounts online. Go ahead and type in something along the lines of “domestic flight coupons” and see what comes up.

Apply Credit Rewards Points

Do you have any rewards points accumulated on your credit card(s). If so, depending on the terms and conditions of your card agreement, it will be possible to apply those points to travel, including airfare. Alternatively, signing up for certain credit cards also means you can earn points with specific airlines by spending a certain amount of money within a period of time (such as spending $3,000 in 3 months, for example).

Of course, this does not mean that you should sign up for a new credit card just for the sign-up bonus (you don’t want to do anything that’s going to drop your credit score), but it is something to think about.

Travel During Specific Days of the Week

Remember how the prices of a flight can change substantially? They can also change depending on the day of the week. Generally speaking, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays will have the lowest airfare prices because those days are when less people ted to travel. In contrast to this, Fridays and Sundays are almost always the most expensive.

Saving On The Cost of Airfare

In short, flying on an airplane doesn’t have to be as expensive as you otherwise may have suspected, and you can potentially save several hundred dollars per flight just by playing your cards strategically.

This is a contribution from one of our contributing writers.


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