

5 Facts About a Healthy Smoothie for Your Tummy

5 Facts About a Healthy Smoothie for Your Tummy

Smoothies are delicious and healthy treats that are easy to ingest. Smoothies usually contain fresh vegetables and fruits and are easy to prepare – all you need is a kitchen blender. One of the health areas we frequently take for granted is our digestive health. Keeping our digestive tract or in simple terms, our tummies healthy can have a lot of benefits to our entire bodies. For one, nutrients are efficiently absorbed with a healthy digestive tract. Another benefit is the prevention of digestive disorders and inflammations in the digestive tract. So what are the good things to know about a healthy smoothie for the tummy?

Ingredients are Easy to Find

The ingredients for a tummy-healthy and digestion-friendly smoothie are readily available and can be found in the market or the produce section in grocery stores. Fruits such as bananas, pears, melons, and berries are good for digestion and can be easy to obtain. Other common kitchen fruits and vegetables that have digestion-friendly properties are avocados, cucumbers, ginger, apple, red beets, lemon and fennel. Most of these fruits contain natural sugar called fructose so you don’t have to worry about adding sugar to the mix.

Healthy Smoothie Recipes are Readily Available

Smoothies are making a huge wave in the health consciousness and fitness communities that resources and tips for making healthy smoothies are easy to find online and offline. Books, magazines and newspapers have feature articles dedicated to healthy food, and smoothies are sure to be included in the recipes. Easy Healthy Smoothie offers an array of smoothie recipes for different dietary needs. Just click through them and find the right one for you. There are also other websites out there that will guide you through your healthy smoothie journey and offer healthy alternatives not just for digestive health but for your overall well-being.

Tummy-Healthy Smoothies Taste Great

As mentioned earlier, fruits have natural sugars called fructose which is a healthy alternative to refined sugar. If your taste buds aren’t accustomed yet to the flavor of vegetable in the smoothie, you can be creative in your smoothie mix and make a sweet-tasting smoothie with a light touch of vegetable flavor. You can gradually increase the portion of vegetable into the mix until your taste buds adapt to the new flavor and you’ll enjoy the discovery of a new taste.

Tummy-Healthy Smoothies are Detoxifying

The fruits and vegetables in your tummy-friendly smoothie have high contents of fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that are not only beneficial to tummy health and nutrition, but are also effective cleansing agents for the body. These nutrients are good for flushing out toxins not just in the digestive tract but within the whole body. Not only will you feel refreshed by eating smoothies, you’ll also feel energized and reinvigorated because of the detoxifying effect of the smoothie.

Tummy-Healthy Smoothies Can Help You Reach Your Fitness Goals

Whether your fitness goal is for losing weight or for bulking up, the smoothie is a good addition to your dietary options. The detoxifying and hydrating effects of smoothies benefit not just the tummy, but also the belly. Weight loss enthusiasts can see the benefit of adding a smoothie in their dietary regimen because of the cleansing and hydrating effect. A detoxified and well-hydrated body can effectively burn calories, improve metabolism and optimizes blood and nutrient circulation.

For bulking up, smoothies work by enhancing protein, vitamin and mineral absorption. As a healthy and digestion-safe alternative to protein powders and whey-based protein shakes, dairy-based smoothies can also supplement the increased protein intake necessary for building muscles. Kefir and yogurt are great alternatives as these are fermented dairy products that not only help bulk up muscles, they help the digestive tract better absorb nutrients by keeping good bacteria and intestinal flora in optimum condition.

Smoothies can be fun and easy to prepare and have many health benefits to boot. The digestive health is a health area that shouldn’t be left out, and smoothies with tummy-healthy ingredients are a good way of keeping the tummy healthy. All the systems in our bodies are interconnected and affect each other. So a health digestive system can also affect the other body systems. The versatility and ease of preparation of smoothies allows for different natural and health-beneficial ingredients to be easily taken in our bodies. Also a smoothie is one of the best ways to prepare food while also retaining the nutrients. So grab that blender now stuff your favorite fruits and vegetables to start your healthy diet.

This is a contribution from one of our contributing writers.


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